
google I/O 2021がオンラインで開催され、Web Vitals Q&AでCore Web Vitals(コアウェブバイタル)がGoogleのランキング要因にどのように影響するかが議論されました。



Is page experience binary ranking Factor only good experience Pages can get the ranking? Booth or is there radiation and how big is Grand signals affect ranking? one kind of slow page might get a boost over even slower page?

AMA:Web Vitals


それに対して、GoogleのJohn Mueller(ジョン・ミューラー)は以下のように答えています。

we we kind of go in in the area from needs Improvement ticket that’s kind of the range where we would see a gradual improvement with regard to the ranking signal. and once you reached kind of that good threshold, then that for us is kind of like a pretty high bar, and your kind of at that stable point .And at that point like micro optimizing things like extra milliseconds here and there, that’s not going to do your side in ranking anything specific.It might have an effevt on what users see and with that you might have other positive effects, but at least when it comes to search ranking, that’s not going to be something where you’re going to improvements like five milliseconds faster than the next one .

AMA:Web Vitals


この意見に対して、Philip Walton(フィリップ・ウォルトン)が以下のように付け加えています。

and definitry a point that I want to clarify because I’ve heard some people,there’s been some you know some confusion about this. it is not the case that unless you reach the good threshold for all of the Core Web Vitals metrics,that you have to reach the threshold to get a ranking boost.that is not the case.

AMA:Web Vitals

つまり、混乱している人は多いが、「検索ランキングを上げるためにすべてのCoreWeb Vitalsメトリックスで良いスコアを取得する必要はない」と話しています。


in fact,it’s kind of the opposite.once you reach that i meen you will get a ranking booost for reaching the good threshold for all pages but beyond that point,you don’t get additional boost for reaching it even better.
like if you have your LCP at two seconds and you get it all the way down to one second, you know we’ve kind of publicly stated that that will not increase your ranking.
however,if you havea very very slow page like maybe LCP has 20 seconds and you improve it to 10 seconds,that could potentially boost your ranking.

AMA:Web Vitals



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