そのような質問に対して、John Mueller氏が2022年2月18日のGoogle SEO office-hoursで回答しました。
let’s say a new comment is posted towards the end of the discussion thread.
It gets added onto the end, which could appear, say,on page four, or page five, or beyond, because it’sthe newest comment.
And then across all pages of the discussion thread,the date it was updated will reflect the most recent activity.
However, the most recent activity does not appear until page four or page five, for example.
I’m just trying to get an idea of the best way or whether Google understands to crawl in through each page,or whether the most recent comment needs to be featured more prominently.
I would try to think about which of these comments you want to prioritize.
I assume, if something is on page four,then we would have to crawl page one, two,three first to find that.
And usually, that would mean that it’s longer away from the main part of the website.
And from our point of view, what would probably happen there is,we would not give it that much weight,and we would probably not recrawl that page as often.
Whereas if you say, the newest comments should be the most visible ones, then maybe it makes sense to reverse that order and show them differently.
Because if the newest comments are right on the main page,then it’s a lot easier for us to recrawl that more often and to give it a little bit more weight in the search results.
So that’s, I guess, up to you, how you want to balance that.
もし最新コメントが重要な場合には1ページ目に追加されるように改善を検討する必要がありますね。ただし、rel prev / next タグは古いタグのため廃止されており機能しません。
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